Medical students - promoters of health concept
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"Concept of Health" is the generic title of a seminar organized by representatives of the Chair of Modern Languages, English Department, of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy on May 6. The protagonists of the event - first year students, Faculty of Medicine No. 1, group M2108 - presented scientific projects and socio-cultural activities aimed at informing the public about various aspects of the concept of health, but also some measures to protect it, in the context of completing the English language course.
Medical students presented documented projects and interactive activities through which they highlighted aspects related to physical, mental, social, environmental, economic health, etc. They also focused on various methods of preventing the most common diseases and protecting the health of the population globally.
Olga Tumuruc, an assistant professor at the Chair of Modern Languages, mentioned that "when we talk about health, many people draw attention to physical health, but the concept of health is much broader and more complex, covering all areas of life." In this context, the seminar organizers presented the definition of the World Health Organization (WHO) for the concept of health, namely that “health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, along with the capacity to lead a productive life at a socio-economic level”.
According to the WHO, the ratio between conditions affecting health is as follows: lifestyle and nutrition represent 50%, genetics and heredity - 20%, external environment and natural conditions - 20% and healthcare - 10%.
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